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12MM Momentary Switch: How to Choose and Button Trends

  • Name:Normally Open Push Button Switch
  • Model: FLM12-10FJM
  • Head Type: Flat Head
  • Mounting Size: 12mm
  • Switching Functions: Momentary
  • Contact Configuration: 1NO
  • Rated Voltage: 1A
  • Voltage Options:36V DC 250V AC
  • Material: ABS plastic,Metal
  • Download Certification:CECCC, ROSH, IP65, UL
  • Waterproof grade: IP65
  • Wire specification: AGW22
  • Email:
  • Download PDF: 2 PIN waterproof momentary price cheap push button switch

Product Drawing


Product Parameters:

Production Series FLM12-10FJM Light Guide Button
Button Shape round Actuator 304 Stainless steel
Button LED Color Housing Sleeve H59 nickel plated brass
Mechanical Life The 500 thousand time Button Pin H62 Copper alloy
Electrical Life The 100 thousand time Rubber Ring SIL silica gel
Protection Level IP65 IK08 Nut H59 nickel plated brass
Rated Voltage 36V(DC) 250(AC) Housing PA66+GF20% nylon
Rated Current 1A(DC)0.5A(AC) Light Source LED
Rated Power 36W(DC)125W(AC) Resistor
Operating Temperature -25℃~+85℃ Contact AgCdO12

How to wire the normally open push button switch?

The wiring of this product is very simple. Connect the positive terminal of the switch to one of the pins of the button, and then connect them from the other pin.
As shown in the diagram below:
Wiring method of normally open
Press the button, the power is on and with load, release the button, the power is off, as shown in the figure below.

Normally open wiring method

Customization Advantages of FILN normally open push button switch

The FILN normally open push button switch is a versatile product that can be customized according to the needs of different customers. This flexibility opens up an array of advantages for users, making it a sought-after component in various applications.

Why Customization is Important for normally open push button switch?


Customization is not just a luxury but a necessity in the ever-competitive market. Manufacturers are under constant pressure to provide products that meet specific customer needs. In the case of the FILN normally open push button switch, customization has a significant impact in terms of functionality, aesthetics, and adaptability.


  1. Industry requirements differ: Different sectors have different requirements for push button switches. For example, the medical industry might require switches that are easily sterilizable, while the automotive industry may need switches that can withstand harsh conditions.


  1. Consumer Preferences: End-users may prefer specific symbols or lights that make the switches easier to use or identify, enhancing the user experience.


  1. Technological Advances: As technology progresses, the requirement for switches also changes. Customization ensures that the product remains relevant.
12MM Momentary Switch: How to Choose and Button Trends

Customizable Button Symbols


One of the most prominent features that can be customized in a FILN normally open push button switch is the button symbol. Customers can opt for various light symbols depending on their specific needs.


  1. User Experience: A customized symbol can dramatically improve user experience by providing easy identification of the button’s function.


  1. Branding: Companies can also opt for symbols that align with their brand identity, ensuring consistency in product design.


  1. Regulatory Compliance: In some industries, there are specific symbols that are required by law to ensure safety and compliance.

Customizable Voltage Options


Another crucial aspect of customization is the voltage of the push button switch. FILN offers various voltage options, such as 110v push button switches, to cater to the varied needs of customers.


  1. Geographic Requirements: Different countries have different standard voltages. Custom voltage options allow for the global distribution of products.


  1. Device Compatibility: Customizable voltage ensures that the switches can be easily integrated into different systems without requiring additional components.


  1. Energy Efficiency: The ability to customize voltage can help in creating energy-efficient systems.

FILN’s commitment to customization offers not just product variety but also competitive advantage. Whether it’s custom symbols, voltages, or connectors, the FILN normally open push button switch can be tailored to meet the unique demands of your project, making it a smart choice for a multitude of applications.

Related products:

Table of Contents

1.What is a 12MM Momentary Switch?

The 12mm momentary switch is an electronic switching device typically used in electronic equipment, mechanical devices and automation systems.
It is literally a 12mm diameter push button switch that functions as a momentary switch.

Normally Open Push Button Switch: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring the world of Normally Open Push Button Switches, this comprehensive guide dives into everything you need to know about these essential components. From understanding their basic function and different types to mastering their installation, wiring, and application across various industries, this article uncovers the intricacies of the Normally Open Push Button Switch. Whether you’re a novice looking to grasp the fundamentals or a seasoned professional seeking advanced insights, this guide is tailored to provide clear, concise, and valuable information that’s enriched with expert opinions and resourceful links. Engage with this one-stop resource, and empower yourself with the knowledge to excel in your projects involving Normally Open Push Button Switches.

What is a Normally Open Push Button Switch, and How Does It Function?

Definition of Normally Open Push Button Switch

A Normally Open Push Button Switch, or simply a Normally Open Switch, refers to a type of switch that connects the circuit when pressed. When the button is released, the circuit breaks. You can find more details on push button switches here.

Functioning of Normally Open Push Button Switch

This type of switch works by allowing current to flow through the circuit when the button is pressed. It is commonly used in devices that require momentary action. For more information on wiring, you can refer to this guide.

Applications of Normally Open Push Button Switch

The Normally Open Push Button Switch is used in various applications, such as machinery control, emergency systems, and more. They are part of many industrial and consumer devices.

How to Connect a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Connection Process

The process of connecting a Normally Open Push Button Switch involves proper wiring and understanding the switch’s function. Here’s how to connect a push button switch.

Choosing the Right Normally Open Push Button Switch

Selecting the correct switch is crucial for optimal performance. Factors to consider include the switch’s voltage rating, current capacity, material, and resistance to environmental factors.

Safety Precautions

While connecting a Normally Open Switch, following safety guidelines is essential. Using the correct tools, following instructions, and taking necessary precautions will prevent accidents.

What is the Difference Between a Normally Open Push Button Switch and a Normally Closed Momentary Switch?

Normally Open vs. Normally Closed

A Normally Open Switch connects the circuit when pressed, while a Normally Closed Momentary Switch does the opposite. The normally closed momentary switch has a circuit that stays closed until the button is pressed.

Applications and Usage

While both types of switches have their applications, they are used in different contexts. Normally Open Switches are used for momentary functions, while Normally Closed Switches can be used for continuous operations.

Selecting Between the Two

Selection depends on the requirement of the application. Understanding the operation and desired outcome will guide the choice between a Normally Open Push Button Switch and a Normally Closed Momentary Switch.

How to Choose a Normally Open Push Button Switch for Specific Applications?

Consideration of Specifications

Choosing the right switch involves looking at specifications such as voltage, current rating, environmental resistance, and the switch’s overall quality. You can browse various push button switches to find the right one.

Application Requirements

Understanding the application’s specific needs is vital in selecting the right Normally Open Switch. Consider factors such as frequency of use, required durability, and safety features.

Budget and Quality

Quality and budget must align with the requirements. Investing in a high-quality Normally Open Switch will ensure longevity and reliability, even if it means spending a bit more.

What are the Available Types of Normally Open Push Button Switches?

Momentary Push Button Switch

A momentary push button switch is designed to close the circuit only when the button is pressed. You can find various push button electrical switches suited for different needs.

Waterproof Push Button Switch

Waterproof switches are designed for environments where exposure to moisture is a concern. Waterproof push button switches offer added protection.

Latching Push Button Switch with LED

Latching push button switches provide visual indicators through LED. These switches are available at this link.

How to Wire a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Understanding the Wiring Diagram

Wiring a Normally Open Push Button Switch requires understanding the switch’s wiring diagram. Here’s a guide on how the push button switch is wired.

Tools and Materials Required

Proper tools and materials are essential for wiring a Normally Open Switch. Ensure that you have everything you need before starting the process.

Step-by-Step Guide

A step-by-step guide to wiring a Normally Open Push Button Switch will ensure proper connection and operation. Follow the guidelines and consult professionals if needed.

How to Test a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Methods of Testing

Testing a Normally Open Switch involves visual inspection, continuity testing, and using specialized tools. Accurate testing ensures the switch’s proper functioning.

What to Look For

Look for signs of wear, damage, or any abnormalities in the switch’s appearance and function. Proper testing ensures reliability and safety.

When to Replace

Knowing when to replace a Normally Open Push Button Switch is crucial. Regular testing helps identify wear and tear, leading to timely replacement.

How Does a SPST Push Button Switch Work?

Definition of SPST Push Button Switch

A Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) push button switch controls one circuit and has two positions: open and closed. Find out more about SPST push button switches.

Functioning and Applications

SPST push button switches are used in simple applications that require basic on/off functions. Understanding their working principle will guide proper usage.

Selection Criteria

Choosing the right SPST push button switch requires understanding the application’s requirements, specifications, and budget considerations.

What is a NO/NC Momentary Push Button Switch?

Definition and Working Principle

A NO/NC Momentary Push Button Switch refers to a switch that has both Normally Open and Normally Closed functions. Learn more about NO/NC momentary push button switches.

Applications and Benefits

These switches are used in applications that require both NO and NC functions. They provide flexibility and can be used in various industrial and consumer products.

How to Choose

Choosing a NO/NC Momentary Push Button Switch involves understanding the application’s specific needs, evaluating specifications, and considering the budget.

What is a 12V Push Button Switch, and Where Is It Used?

Definition of 12V Push Button Switch

A 12V Push Button Switch operates at 12 volts and is used in various applications. Discover different types of 12V push button switches.

Uses and Applications

12V Push Button Switches are

used in automotive, industrial, and other applications that require a 12V power supply. Their functionality is broad and versatile.

12MM Momentary Switch: How to Choose and Button Trends12MM Momentary Switch: How to Choose and Button Trends

Choosing the Right 12V Push Button Switch

Selecting the appropriate 12V switch requires understanding the voltage requirements, current rating, material, and other specifications to ensure optimal performance.

How to Understand Push Button Power Switches with Power Symbols?

Understanding Power Symbols

Power symbols on push button switches indicate the switch’s function, such as on/off. Here’s a guide to understanding push button power switches with power symbols.

Importance of Power Symbols

Power symbols provide visual cues that assist users in identifying the switch’s function, ensuring proper usage and safety.

Selecting Push Button Power Switches

Choosing the right push button power switch with the correct power symbol ensures alignment with the application’s requirements and promotes user-friendliness.

How to Select a Push Button Machine Switch?

Types of Push Button Machine Switches

Push button machine switches are used in various industrial machinery. Different types are available, depending on the machine’s needs. Explore push button machine switches.

Selection Criteria

Selecting the appropriate push button machine switch requires understanding the machine’s specific needs, such as voltage rating, current capacity, and environmental resistance.

Importance of Quality

Investing in a quality push button machine switch ensures reliability, safety, and optimal performance, contributing to the machine’s overall efficiency.

What is a Waterproof Push Button Switch, and How to Select One?

Definition of Waterproof Push Button Switch

A waterproof push button switch is designed to resist moisture and water exposure. Here’s a collection of waterproof push button switches.


Waterproof switches are suitable for outdoor use, marine applications, and environments where moisture exposure is a concern. Selecting the right one ensures durability and optimal performance.

Selection Criteria

Choosing a waterproof push button switch requires understanding the application’s specific needs, such as resistance rating, material quality, and other specifications.

How to Reset a Plastic Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Understanding the Resetting Process

Resetting a plastic Normally Open Push Button Switch involves understanding the switch’s design and functionality. More details can be found at this link.

When to Reset

Knowing when to reset the switch is crucial. Resetting might be necessary after a malfunction, accidental activation, or during maintenance.

Step-by-Step Guide

Following a proper step-by-step guide ensures a successful reset process. Consulting the manufacturer’s instructions or a professional is recommended for the best results.

How to Explore the Complete Collection of Push Button Switches?

Browsing Online Catalogs

Online catalogs offer a comprehensive view of various push button switches, including Normally Open Switches, SPST, waterproof, and more. Check out the complete collection here.

Consulting Professionals

Professional advice helps in selecting the right switch for specific applications. Experts can guide you based on your requirements, budget, and specifications.

Understanding Your Needs

Understanding the specific needs of your application and the required specifications is vital in exploring and selecting the right push button switch. Aligning your needs with available options ensures satisfaction and optimal performance.

This guide provides an exhaustive overview of Normally Open Push Button Switches, including their types, functionalities, selection criteria, and much more. With insights on different aspects of these switches, this guide aims to assist users, professionals, and enthusiasts in making informed decisions. From understanding the basics to selecting specialized switches like waterproof or machine-specific types, this article covers all essential areas. Happy exploring!

What Are the Key Features of a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Basic Design and Functionality

Normally Open Push Button Switches are designed to close a circuit when pressed and open it when released. They are widely used in various applications due to their simplicity and effectiveness.

Reliability and Durability

The quality of materials and construction plays a vital role in the switch’s reliability and longevity. A well-constructed switch ensures consistent performance over time.

Application-Specific Features

Some Normally Open Push Button Switches are tailored for specific applications, such as waterproof or heavy-duty industrial use. Selecting the right switch with relevant features ensures alignment with the application’s requirements.

How to Install a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Understanding Installation Requirements

Before installing a Normally Open Push Button Switch, understanding the installation requirements, such as tools needed, wiring diagrams, and safety precautions, is essential.

Following Step-by-Step Instructions

Installing a Normally Open Push Button Switch involves following a step-by-step guide that includes connecting the wires, securing the switch in place, and testing for proper functionality.

Consulting Professional Assistance

For complex installations, consulting a professional or referring to manufacturer instructions is advisable to ensure proper installation without any errors or safety risks.

How to Maintain a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Regular Inspection

Regular inspection and monitoring of Normally Open Push Button Switches can help detect any signs of wear, malfunction, or damage that may require attention.

Cleaning and Lubrication

Proper cleaning and occasional lubrication (if applicable) can extend the switch’s lifespan and keep it functioning smoothly.

Replacement and Repairs

Timely replacement or repairs of any damaged parts, conducted by professionals or following manufacturer instructions, ensures the switch continues to operate efficiently.

What Safety Considerations Are Involved in Using Normally Open Push Button Switches?

Understanding Ratings and Specifications

Using a Normally Open Push Button Switch within its rated voltage, current, and environmental specifications ensures safety and prevents potential hazards.

Compliance with Standards

Adhering to applicable safety standards and certifications can prevent accidents and provide assurance of the switch’s quality and safety.

Proper Handling and Installation

Proper handling and installation, in accordance with manufacturer guidelines, ensures that the switch operates safely. This includes avoiding misuse, overloading, or installing in unsuitable environments.

How to Troubleshoot a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Identifying Common Issues

Understanding common problems such as connectivity issues, wear, and mechanical failure can aid in troubleshooting a Normally Open Push Button Switch.

Following a Troubleshooting Guide

A systematic approach, following a troubleshooting guide or manufacturer’s instructions, can help identify and resolve issues effectively.

Seeking Professional Help

In some cases, professional help may be required to diagnose and fix complex problems with the switch. Experts have the tools and knowledge to handle such situations properly.

The vast world of Normally Open Push Button Switches encompasses a plethora of details, functionalities, considerations, and applications. This guide aims to be a comprehensive resource for those dealing with these switches, from selection to installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. By considering different perspectives, insights, and expert opinions, it provides a well-rounded view of what these switches offer and how they can be optimally utilized. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this guide offers valuable information that can help you make informed decisions and get the most out of your Normally Open Push Button Switch.

How to Differentiate Between Normally Open and Normally Closed Push Button Switches?

Understanding Normally Open (NO) Switches

Normally Open Push Button Switches close the circuit when pressed, allowing current to flow. When released, they return to their “open” state, stopping the flow of electricity. More about NO switches.

Understanding Normally Closed (NC) Switches

In contrast, Normally Closed Push Button Switches do the opposite. They open the circuit when pressed and close it when released. This distinction defines their specific applications and functions.

Visual Identification

Some switches may have visual indicators or labels to differentiate between NO and NC types. Understanding these indicators ensures proper selection and usage.

How to Wire a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Identifying Wiring Requirements

Before wiring a Normally Open Push Button Switch, identify the specific requirements such as wire type, gauge, and connections needed. Here’s a guide on how to wire a push button switch.

Following a Wiring Diagram

Wiring diagrams provide a visual guide to connecting the switch correctly. Following the diagram ensures proper connections and functionality.

Safety Precautions

Taking safety precautions, such as turning off the power supply and using insulated tools, is vital during the wiring process to prevent accidents.

What Are the Different Types of Normally Open Push Button Switches?

Momentary Push Button Switches

Momentary push button switches are designed to close the circuit only while being pressed. They are commonly used in applications requiring brief activation.

Waterproof Push Button Switches

Waterproof designs provide resistance to moisture and water, making them suitable for outdoor or marine applications.

SPST Push Button Switches

Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switches are the simplest type of push button switch, with one input and one output.

NO/NC Momentary Push Button Switches

Some switches offer both Normally Open and Normally Closed functions, allowing for versatile applications and multiple configurations.

How to Connect a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Selecting the Right Connection Method

Different switches may require different connection methods. Understanding the specific needs of your switch ensures a secure and functional connection. Here’s how to connect a push button switch.

Following Connection Instructions

Detailed connection instructions, either from the manufacturer or a professional guide, should be followed to ensure proper connections.

Testing the Connection

After connecting, it’s essential to test the switch for proper operation, making adjustments if necessary to ensure it works correctly.

How Is the Push Button Switch Wired?

Understanding the Wiring Process

The wiring process involves connecting the Normally Open Push Button Switch to the circuit using appropriate wires and connections. Learn more about how the push button switch is wired.

Wiring Diagrams and Guides

Wiring diagrams and guides are essential tools that provide a step-by-step process to wire the switch correctly.

Importance of Correct Wiring

Correct wiring is essential for the switch to function properly. Incorrect wiring can lead to malfunction, damage, or even safety hazards.

From understanding the intricacies of Normally Open Push Button Switches to grasping their installation, wiring, differentiation, types, and troubleshooting, this extensive guide has endeavored to cover all relevant aspects. It delves into the specifics, offering insights, guidelines, expert opinions, and valuable resources to aid users at various levels. This comprehensive exploration of Normally Open Push Button Switches aims to be a one-stop resource, providing clarity, guidance, and support for those dealing with these vital components. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned expert, this guide aspires to enhance your understanding and application of these switches in various contexts and scenarios.

What is the Purpose of a Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Control and Activation

The primary purpose of a Normally Open Push Button Switch is to control and activate a specific part of a circuit. They are commonly used to start or stop devices or machinery.

Safety Mechanism

In some applications, Normally Open Push Button Switches are used as safety mechanisms, allowing quick disconnection in emergency situations.

Versatility in Applications

These switches are found in various applications, including household appliances, industrial machinery, and electronic devices. Their simple operation and reliability make them versatile.

How Does a Normally Open Push Button Switch Work?

Basic Working Principle

A Normally Open Push Button Switch works by closing the circuit when pressed and opening it when released. Its operation is simple, yet effective in controlling electrical flow. Learn more about how a push button switch works.

Internal Components

The internal components such as contacts, springs, and housing work together to achieve the switch’s functionality. Quality and design of these components impact performance.

Application-Specific Functionality

Some Normally Open Push Button Switches may have additional features or functions tailored to specific applications, enhancing their functionality and usability.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Normally Open Push Button Switches?


  • Simplicity: Easy to use and understand.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various applications.
  • Reliability: Known for consistent performance.
  • Affordability: Generally cost-effective.


  • Limited Complexity: May not suit highly complex circuits.
  • Wear and Tear: Prone to wear over time if not maintained.
  • Specific Limitations: Might have limitations in some specialized applications.

How to Choose the Right Normally Open Push Button Switch?

Understanding Requirements

Identifying specific requirements such as voltage rating, current capacity, environmental conditions, and application type helps in selecting the right switch.

Comparing Options

Comparing different Normally Open Push Button Switches based on features, quality, brand, and price enables better decision-making.

Consulting Experts or Resources

Consulting experts, manufacturer guides, or online resources like push button switches can provide insights and recommendations tailored to your needs.

What Are the Common Applications of Normally Open Push Button Switches?

Industrial Machinery

These switches are commonly used in industrial machinery for control and emergency stop functions.

Consumer Electronics

In consumer electronics, they are used for power control, mode selection, and other functions.

Automotive Systems

In automotive systems, Normally Open Push Button Switches are used for various controls like ignition or windows.

Medical Devices

In medical devices, these switches play a crucial role in controlling various functionalities and ensuring safety.


The fascinating world of Normally Open Push Button Switches is rich in details, functionalities, applications, and considerations. This guide has ventured to provide a thorough understanding of these switches, offering insights, perspectives, guidelines, and resources. From the basics to advanced applications, from selection to maintenance, from advantages to challenges, this guide covers it all. By weaving in expert opinions, user experiences, practical tips, and valuable links, it aims to be a comprehensive resource for anyone dealing with Normally Open Push Button Switches. Whether you are a hobbyist, a technician, a student, or a professional, this guide is designed to enhance your knowledge, confidence, and success in utilizing these essential components.

Normally Open Push Button Switches: A Comprehensive Price Guide

When you’re in the market for normally open push button switches, it can be somewhat of a hassle to sift through the myriad of options available. To assist you, we’ve delved into some quick research to offer a snapshot of current pricing trends in the USA.

Retailer Insights


This retailer offers a wide range of normally open push button switches, with prices varying dramatically from as low as $0.01 to a whopping $100. They provide a diverse selection, catering to different parameters and features.

Home Depot

At Home Depot, you’ll find an extensive variety of push button switches, with an average price bracket ranging from $10 to $150. They are renowned for their comprehensive selection, ensuring you’ll find the right switch for your needs.

All Electronics

If you’re looking for a niche selection, All Electronics is the place to go. Their normally open push button switches are priced between $2.50 to $3.95 each. While their range may be more limited, they offer quality options at affordable prices.


AliExpress boasts an expansive range of normally open push button switches. However, specific pricing information is not readily available. It’s best to reach out to the sellers directly for accurate and up-to-date pricing[^6^].

Please note that these price ranges are approximate and can vary depending on factors such as the supplier, geographical location, or retailer promotions. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend consulting directly with the retailers.

In conclusion, when searching for normally open push button switches, it’s essential to consider the wide range of options available and the varying prices offered by different retailers. By understanding the market trends and consulting with the retailers, you can make an informed decision that suits your requirements and budget.

1: Source: Made-in-China
2: Source: Home Depot
3: Source: Home Depot
4: Source: Home Depot
5: Source: All Electronics
6: Source: AliExpress

Features of the 12MM Momentary Switch:

Feature Description
Diameter 12mm
Switch Type Push Button, Tactile Switch, Key Switch
Function Momentary (Pressed only for the period of time it is pressed)
Application Areas Electronic equipment (computers, audio equipment), Mechanical equipment (automated robots), Automotive electronic systems, Industrial controls, and more.
Functional Versatility Single Pole Single Throw (SPST), Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT), and more.

Please note that this table provides a summary of the common features associated with a 12mm momentary switch. Specific products or manufacturers may offer additional variations or features.

push button switch application

Applications of 12MM Momentary Switches:

12mm momentary switches have a wide range of applications, the following are some common specific applications:

Electronic devices: 12mm momentary switches are commonly used in a variety of small electronic devices, such as computer buttons, switches for audio devices, buttons for wireless communication devices, etc. They can be used as power switches, function buttons, multi-mode selectors, etc.

Automation systems: In automation systems, 12mm momentary switches can be used to control robots, small automation machines, and small industrial equipment, etc. They can be used as start buttons, stop buttons, and multi-mode selectors. They can also be used as start buttons, stop buttons, emergency stop switches or other functional pushbutton switches for these devices.

Automotive systems: 12mm momentary switches have a very important role in automotive electronics. They are often used as start buttons for some vehicle functions, window switches, light controls, etc.

Home appliances and consumer electronics: Many home appliances and consumer electronics use 12mm momentary switches. e.g., microwave ovens, washing machines, coffee makers, audio equipment, etc. They are typically used for start, stop, mode selection, and parameter adjustment. They are often used for start, stop, mode selection and function control.

These are just some of the common applications for 12mm momentary switches, but they are actually used in a wide range of other applications and devices.

12mm momentary switch

The Description of the 12MM 2 pin Momentary Push Button Switch

This 12mm pushbutton switch is a compact, affordable product with excellent waterproof performance. The following is a detailed description of the product:

Mounting Hole and Mounting Method: This pushbutton switch in the picture has a mounting hole size of 12mm and uses a threaded mounting method for easy attachment to equipment or panels. filn can produce pushbutton switches from 8-30mm.

Waterproof rating: The pushbutton switch has an IP65 waterproof rating, which provides effective protection from dust and spray water. This makes it suitable for use indoors and in some lightly humid environments.

Current and Voltage Ratings: The pushbutton switch is rated at 2A and 36V for general low current electrical applications. For other voltages, FILN is a push button manufacturer and can custom manufacture any voltage.

Material: The push button switch is available in nickel-plated brass, stainless steel and aluminum alloy. Each material has its corresponding advantages, and you can choose one of them according to your actual needs.

Use scenario and function: The product is divided into two types of high head and flat head, which can be selected according to the demand. It also provides two functions of self-resetting 1NO and self-locking 1NO, both of which you can apply in different application scenarios.

Temperature resistance of plastic material: The bottom plastic material of the pushbutton switch is selected from PC and PA66, which has high temperature resistance up to 160 degrees C. FILN recommends that you use the button in a temperature range preferably between -40 degrees C and 80 degrees C.

push button switch material

Contact point and current capacity: This 12MM momentary push button switch has a 2.5mm silver point of contact and can withstand up to 2A of current. The connection method is a plug-in design, which is a common wiring method.

Mechanical life and service life: The 12MM momentary switch has a mechanical life of up to 500,000 cycles and a service life of 100,000 cycles. FILN has been tested for reliability and durability with push button switches.

Use scenarios of button switches

The Future Trend of 12MM Momentary Switch    More information

Further miniaturization of buttons: With the continuous reduction in the size of electronic devices and the development of intelligent trends, the demand for smaller size 12mm push button switches may increase. Therefore, future directions may include smaller, more compact designs to accommodate increasingly miniaturized devices and systems.

High reliability and long lifetime: For many applications, reliability and lifetime are key requirements. Future 12mm push button switches may focus more on reliability, offering longer service life and higher durability to meet various environmental and application demands.

Human-computer interaction experience: As users’ needs for device operations become more diverse and personalized, future 12mm push button switches may focus on providing a better human-computer interaction experience. For example, touch sensing technology, backlight function, tactile feedback, etc. may be introduced to enhance the convenience and perceptibility of user operations.

The rest also includes energy efficiency and sustainability and special functions and integration. FILN keeps up with the footsteps of the button industry, and constantly develops new products to adapt to the future button industry.

How the 12V Momentary Switch Works

The operating principle is as follows:

Contact: Momentary switch has a pair of electronic contacts inside, usually of a metallic material such as copper or silver. When the button is pressed, these two contacts make contact with each other, forming a pathway that allows current to pass normally.

Spring: The Momentary switch is equipped with a spring inside to keep the button popped up when not pressed. The spring applies a force that restores the button from the pressed position to the popped position.

Turn-on signal: When the button is pressed, the two contacts come into close contact, the conductive material connects, and current flows from one contact to the other, forming a closed circuit. This produces a brief on signal that can be used to trigger a specific function or operation of the device.

Disconnect Signal: Once the button is released, the spring force causes the button to return to its popped-up state and the two contacts immediately separate, breaking the circuit. This produces a brief disconnect signal that stops the triggering of the previous function or operation.

Get a Sample of 12V Momentary Switch


If you are interested in filn’s button switch products or have customized needs,
Please click it to contact us.
FILN professional sales manager will contact you to provide you with reliable service and attractive price.


If the number of buttons you need is small, you can order them at and we will arrange the goods for you immediately and ship them to you in time.

FILN Guarantees the Quality of Pushbutton Switches

Filn waterproof push button switch has passed UL, CE, RoHS, ISO90001 certification. Also has a professional button switch testing laboratory, which can guarantee the quality of the products.

Filn has 11 years of experience in button production and has a professional R&D team.

Button switch production workshop

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