16mm Push Button Switch with Wire

The size of the 16mm push button switch with wire product is 16mm with double wires. The product feature is the development of metal switches, always oriented towards user experience. We consider more for our customers. In the Push Button Switch with Wire series, when we study finger pressing, 16mm is no longer easy to use.

Therefore, taking ergonomics into consideration in the switch design, even if the user keeps his fingernails to operate the switch, it will not cause interference or uncomfortable situations; the adjustment of the force application curve will automatically guide the user after pressing To the switch point of action, there will be no false touch or failure to trigger. In addition, the effort in structural design makes this product a short switch in the market, so that the customer’s institutional designer can reduce a little trouble; although it is so exquisite, it can make the electrical specifications reach 2A and can reach IP67. waterproof level. Industrial application: industrial control products, medical,  communication, energy storage equipment.

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